We are decentralised, but not alone! Here are some handy resources to make it easy to get your local group up and running. And stay that way! But before you get started, get in touch so we can help support you!
Enter these details directly into the contacts database here, or if you have too many, email to xrwa.localgroups@protonmail.com to be uploaded.
Adapt this template flyer/poster in the simple Canva graphics app (will prompt you to create a free Canva account) or download it here, print it and write the details in with a texta.
Or make your own with this online Extinction Rebellion graphics tool: https://extinctionrebellion.fr/vizgen/
Help people to organise the meeting
Use this template to brainstorm who will do what, write down people’s names, share it around and support each other to do the tasks!
Rebels all around Australia are using these template actions to help plan and prepare Local Actions.
Here are some resources to learn more about Legal implications of our Actions (note, these don’t replace a face-to-face Non-Violent Direct Action training!
Here is the Action Affinity Group Kit – gives the full breakdown of how to form crack teams ready for action, fully self-sufficient and supportive of each other.
Let’s all sing from the same songbook – if you have singers and musicians in your group – learn these songs so we can all raise our voices at actions!
Check out our templates and designs for posters and flyers below. Use these to help promote your group and get the word out about meetings, actions, and events!
Host a Heading For Extinction Public Talk
The Heading For Extinction Public Talk is the tried-and-tested way to show people why this movement is needed, and why it will work. If you haven’t yet had one in your area, or haven’t had one in a while:
- Find a venue that has disability access in your area, where we can use a projector (we have one)
- Enquire for available date/time slots, at least 2 weeks ahead
- Contact Outreach Working Group to confirm that a presenter is available
Get training in Action Roles
You can do lots of Local Outreach actions without any background or training – get to it, don’t wait! For more disruptive actions, it is important that we are properly prepared and informed. Find upcoming trainings here and organise people in your group to get along. If there are none that suit, contact Training Working Group about:
- NVDA (Non-violent Direct Action) training. a.k.a. Peaceful Protest Training
- Police/Security/Ranger Liaison
- Legal Observers
- Wellbeing Supporter
- De-escalation
How to keep your group going
Tips for ‘Organisers’ or ‘Coordinators’. This amazing document comes from XR Victoria. Replace any of the contact details in it, with the ones you find for WA Working Groups
xr works because it works differently
XR breaks the mold, which is why it appeals to so many people who don’t usually do ‘activism’. Here is a guide on our ‘Way of Working’ in XR Western Australia.