Thank you for your actions in protecting our earth – now its time to care for you!

When we disrupt, we are often disrupted. Post-Action care and wellbeing are vital to our movement being strong and regenerative! What is Regenerative Culture? Download the Regen 101 Booklet here.

Taking care of yourself after a stressful incident:

You may have just been in a situation that can result in a stress response. This can manifest itself physically, cognitively and emotionally in the body. Stress reactions can occur immediately or be delayed for hours, days or weeks after the event. Stress reactions are usually temporary – most individuals find the reactions have resolved within days or first weeks.


  • Get home safely
  • Communicate with others
  • Get some exercise (within the first 24 hours)
  • Eat well balanced meals
  • Engage in specific relaxing strategies
  • Increase your level of rest
  • Try to maintain a normal, active, and productive schedule

  • Use of alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.
  • Use of stimulants such as caffeine
  • Watching overly stimulating/violent/shocking TV shows or movies
  • Life changing decisions


Now its time to engage your own self-care tool-kit! What activities help maintain your wellbeing?

Do you have any particular concerns or issues you need help with? Contact XRWA Regenerative Culture group using the form below. Or call Lifeline to talk to a free, friendly, professional counsellor: 13 11 14

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