This is a place for rebels to share their stories. Contact us if you would like yours to be featured here.
NEWS: Five homes raided and six Rebels arrested for anti-Woodside spray chalk
Rebels from Extinction Rebellion WA were hauled from their beds by the State Security Investigation Group early yesterday morning and arrested as a result of inquiries connected to some chalk art on the bridge between Woodside and Parliament. On Thursday 5 August,...
Take your power back: Carmen’s Story
In the middle of 2019, Carmen’s 16-year-old daughter noticed an Extinction Rebellion event on Facebook. She had been concerned about what was happening to our world and asked her mum if she could go. Carmen was a busy working mum and although she was aware of climate...
Australian government lobbying efforts keep the Great Barrier Reef off the “in danger” list
The Great Barrier Reef has been left off the World Heritage Committee’s danger list due to immense push back from own government, but there’s still a chance to save this precious ecosystem!Last week, the World Heritage Committee met to decide the fate of the Great...
Parliament Disruption: Laraine’s Story
In March 2020, 70-year-old retired grandmother, Laraine Newton, and four others entered Parliament and headed for the viewing gallery to listen the debate on whether an act should be passed. If passed it would allow the extension of North West Gas Development...
Stronger Together: Jess’ Story
We love hearing about the diverse people who have joined XRWA. This week I spoke to Jess who has recently moved to Perth and joined the movement.Jess and her partner Craig were both pilots in the eastern states. Life was good, they loved their jobs, and they did what...
There is a YOU shaped space waiting – Karen’s story
Karen answered a call from one of our volunteers! Here’s her story.
Fremantle Tent City: our response to Premier Mark McGowan
Extinction Rebellion have been in the media lately - after the WA Premier Mark McGowan and the Minister for Community Services Simone McGurk did what politicians do, trying to spin their way out of their inaction on a critical issue: the widely documented homelessness...
Burrup Hub Disruption
XRWA projected their message on the outside of Parliament House last night in a protest over the Burrup Hub. Inside Parliament House 5 brave rebels were arrested while disrupting Parliament's debating the Burrup Hub Bill. In his monthly appearance on Breakfast with...